Olandreia Walton embraced the world of facilities management to uncover a deeper sense of job satisfaction, which she’s found at Cboe Global Markets
Pam McKeever continues to scale the highest mountains of facilities and construction with over 50 years of hard work
Fluor’s Rocky Plemons shares leadership lessons learned from a successful career that spans more than 50 years
Cindee Burns shares in the work of growing the company and overcoming challenges with her team at Colony Hardware
Brad Minnis has spent time peering through binoculars in an unmarked van and digging for…
Tim Palmer helped develop Wanzek Construction’s safety program. Now the veteran leader works to improve the processes so every employee is guaranteed to get home safely.
According to Ronnie Keeter, what draws most engineers to the job is their love of…
The year is 2031. You’re sitting in your living room, sipping a cup of coffee.…
Kathleen Dobson’s original plan was to be a nurse. She began her career in a…
Boston Scientific has been incredibly busy. In the midst of a pandemic, the company has…