American Homes
American Luxury
American Spaces
Case Studies
Constructive Conversation
From the Ground Up
In Profile
“I decided to go to law school when I was about six years old. I made up my mind, and I never looked back.”
“The satisfaction I get is that I can see something tangible. Thousands of people go into a building and enjoy the space I helped create.”
“There are two ways to look at life: figure out where you want to live, and work there, or choose a career and follow it. I chose the latter.“
“I’ve always been instrumental in starting in-house construction and store-planning departments, and at Stuart Weitzman, I’m doing that globally.”
“The thing that motivates me most is helping people realize their dream of owning a small business.”
“There’s usually a disconnect in construction departments between architects and contractors. I’m the link.”
“When you’ve had the task of opening up a legal practice in Hong Kong, you develop a confidence in yourself and in your skills.”