Valerie Garrett helps build spaces for employees and customers at Fifth Third Bank with their need for connection in mind
David Snow helps the City of Miami build spaces and places that enrich a culturally and climatically lush environment
Mark Helms was planning to retire several years ago; instead, he took a job at the University of Florida, where he’s been working to rebrand its facilities department
Over the thirteen years Edward Hengtgen has worked for the University of Miami, his goal has remained the same: supporting patients, families, and caregivers at his hospitals
As Nashville, Tennessee, faces a real estate boom, John Beyer uses his field experience to navigate the challenges that come along with land development.
Ketki Harale believed in the power of education long before she joined Achievement First (AF)…
At Nutanix, Michael Phelps helps build a better work environment that supports a hybrid workforce and purposeful collaboration
After a quarter century working in commercial lending and real estate, Jerry Lumpkins says that one key to his success is his passion for the work he does
At Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, Ron Golem is confronting a slew of complicated issues, including transit-oriented communities, affordable housing, and public-private partnerships
Joe Bruce infuses his facilities preservation work at Flagler College with a love of history as his team tackles renovations to the famous Hotel Ponce de Léon residence hall