Jay Williams of Haven Campus Communities breaks down his young company’s priorities when providing for the students it houses in college towns nationwide
Since coming in-house, director of facilities management
and construction Scott Carson has given the century-old
Collegiate School a modern face-lift while respecting
its history
Kerry S. Jones likens his flexible solution for the housing crunch at Immaculata University to the inventive game play employed by the school’s unlikely 1970s basketball dynasty
The renowned Nightingale-Bamford School is renovating and expanding into a pair of adjacent historic brownstones on New York City’s Upper East Side to offer its students new academic opportunities
Kentucky’s Morehead State University is working to maintain greater enrollment than ever before, and it’s reinvesting the influx of tuition dollars into five new projects designed to attract and retain even more students
Director of facilities Angela Meyer has spent much of the past four years on five major capital-improvement projects that have brought Southeast Missouri State University’s historic campus up to date without sacrificing its charm